Do you suffer to go to the bathroom? Practical Strategies for Happy Digestion


Do you suffer to go to the bathroom? Practical Strategies for Happy Digestion

Let's talk openly about a topic that, despite its importance for our health, is often relegated to the background in our daily conversations: the frequency of bowel movements. Have you ever wondered how many times it is normal to go to the bathroom? Is it really necessary to do it every day? And, most importantly, how does constipation affect your intimate and emotional well-being?

Figuring out your ideal bowel movement frequency can be challenging as it varies from person to person. According to medical studies, most people maintain a healthy range that ranges from three times a day to three times a week. These differences are completely normal and reflect the diversity of intestinal habits in the population.

Dr. Babak Firoozi, a respected gastroenterologist, highlights the importance of understanding that there is no hard and fast rule regarding the frequency of defecation. Each person has their own normal pattern, and individual differences are perfectly normal. Some people may go to the bathroom daily, while others may go less frequently, without this indicating a health problem.

Let's Understand Constipation: Is Not Going to the Bathroom Every Day a Cause for Concern?

Gastroenterology experts assure us that it is completely normal for some people to have slower intestinal motility, meaning they go to the bathroom less frequently, and this does not necessarily indicate a health problem.

However, it is essential that we pay attention to warning signs, such as sudden changes in bowel habits, persistent abdominal pain, bleeding or unexplained weight loss. These symptoms could indicate underlying medical conditions, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), that require medical attention.

Do you suffer to go to the bathroom? Practical Strategies for Happy Digestion

What May Be Causing Your Constipation and How Can We Address It Together?

If you experience fewer than three bowel movements per week, pass stools that are lumpy, separated, hard, or dry, feel straining or painful when passing stool, or have a feeling of not having passed a complete bowel movement after going to the bathroom, you may be facing the problem. constipation.

The colon's main function is to absorb water from food remains, forming feces. If these remain in the colon for too long, they become hard and difficult to pass. Poor diet, in particular, is often a common cause of constipation. Dietary fiber and adequate water intake are essential to keep stools soft.

Common causes of constipation include a low-fiber diet, dehydration, lack of exercise, delaying the urge to defecate, changes in routine, certain medications, and conditions such as pregnancy or advanced age.

Do you suffer to go to the bathroom? Practical Strategies for Happy Digestion

Practical Tips and Friendly Solutions

If you find it difficult to maintain regular bowel movements, there are steps you can take before turning to medical solutions.

You can also try the following techniques:

  • Every day, drink 1.5 to 2 liters of sugar-free liquids, such as water, to hydrate your body.
  • Limit the consumption of alcohol and caffeinated drinks, which cause dehydration.
  • Add fiber-rich foods to your diet, such as raw fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans, prunes, or cereals with bran.
  • Reduce your consumption of low-fiber foods, such as meat, milk, cheese, and processed foods.
  • Aim for about 150 minutes of moderate exercise each week, with a goal of 30 minutes a day at least five times a week.
  • If you feel the need to defecate, don't delay. The longer you wait, the harder your stools will become.
  • Raise your knees by placing your feet on a stool when defecating.
  • When you go to the bathroom, take enough time and try to relax your muscles.
  • Use laxatives in moderation. They can help soften stools, but never use laxatives for more than 2 weeks without consulting a healthcare professional. Your body can become dependent on them.
  • Sleep well, create and respect a sleep routine.

In our current busy lifestyle, marked by the lack of natural light, stress and ultra-processed foods, it is essential to remember that our circadian rhythms, which regulate physical and mental changes during the day, influence health. intestinal.

Maintaining good sleep hygiene can help with gut health, as our gut is, in fact, our second brain. Being constipated can affect your mood, your intimate well-being and even the health of your skin.

Natural Options to Improve Your Intestinal Health

We want to offer you solutions that adapt to your lifestyle and help you improve your intestinal health naturally:

CBD Zen : CBD may be an option to address the underlying causes of constipation. Its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties can provide relief to those suffering from constipation.

In turn, CBD has relaxing effects on the body, which would benefit you in two ways, the first is by relaxing the contractions of the intestinal muscle, thus reducing cramps and helping to control intestinal functions; The second is allowing you to recover your sleep cycle, since intestinal problems can cause an alteration in falling asleep.

An article published in the journal “Cannabis and Cannabinoid research” confirms the use of this plant for the treatment of different problems in the gastrointestinal tract, in which it is highlighted that the endocannabinoid system collaborates significantly in gastrointestinal functions, encompassing what It is the intestine-brain relationship, fat intake and appetite, inflammation, the interaction with the intestinal microbiota, its permeability and of course its motility.

Maintaining the health of the intestine is of utmost importance, since it is responsible for carrying out functions such as digestion, evacuations and others in our body. Our CBD Zen , consumed sublingually, can help you with your well-being.

Zenbiotic: These probiotic capsules are designed to enhance both your intimate and digestive health, strengthening your immune system. Probiotics are beneficial microorganisms that, in adequate amounts, will help you prevent intestinal diseases, irritable bowel syndrome and genital infections naturally.

Currently, probiotics, defined as live microorganisms, are increasingly used to reduce the symptoms of constipation as certain probiotic bacteria have been shown to help reduce intestinal transit time and the frequency and consistency of bowel movements.

Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies: Delicious sugar-free apple cider vinegar gummies. This vinegar, with its antibacterial effect, helps maintain healthy intestinal flora and relieve digestive problems.

In summary, we want to remind you that bowel frequency varies and there is no single standard. It is essential to understand and respect your own intestinal pattern. Although not having a bowel movement daily is not necessarily a sign of a health problem, significant changes in your bowel habits should be evaluated by a medical professional. Diet, exercise, and hydration play crucial roles in gut health, and paying attention to your circadian rhythms will contribute to a better understanding and management of your gastrointestinal health. We are here to support you every step of the way.

Sources consulted

Is It Bad If You Don't Poop Every Day? Here's What Gastroenterologists Say,discomfort%2C%20pain%2C%20or%20constipation

What You Should Know About Constipation

High fiber diet for diarrhea, wasn't it the other way around?

This is the microbiota of a person with depression


  • Jasmina

    Muy provechosa la información, ya que casi toda mi vida he tenido ese problema. Gracias

  • Carol Osegueda

    Gracias por los consejos de Salud lo tomaré en cuenta Bendiciones 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️

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