Quieting the Mind: Successful Strategies to Overcome Night Anxiety

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Worried woman

When the clock strikes midnight and the world seems to drift into calm, many women find their minds starting to race at a mile an hour. Nighttime anxiety not only robs you of sleep, but it can also sap your energy and emotional well-being the next day.

It's normal to feel anxious sometimes, especially if you're going through a difficult time like losing a job or the end of a relationship. However, there are times when nighttime anxiety becomes a chronic problem. What can you do about it? Today we will explore some strategies to regain nighttime peace.

Understanding Night Anxiety
Nighttime anxiety is that state of nervousness or worry that appears just when we try to sleep. It's a kind of unsolicited night watchman that can manifest itself in the form of palpitations, sweating, or an incessant stream of intrusive thoughts.

The symptoms and severity of anxiety vary widely. A person experiencing anxiety may notice symptoms at night such as:

  • Worry or fear about the future.
  • Concern.
  • Headaches, stomachaches, or other pains.
  • Tight muscles, increased heart rate, or sweating.
  • Shortness of breath or chest discomfort.
  • Dizziness
  • Sensations of shaking, chills, or tingling.
  • Flashbacks of a traumatic event or nightmares.

About 264 million people worldwide suffer from an anxiety disorder, but women are twice as likely to be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder (women 23.4 percent) vs. (men 14.3 percent).

Why does it impact women more often?

  1. Hormonal Changes: Women experience significant fluctuations in their hormone levels, especially as they approach perimenopause and menopause. These hormonal changes can affect not only the menstrual cycle, but also mood and sleep patterns. Decreased estrogen and progesterone can lead to greater sensitivity to stress and a reduced ability to calm the mind, making a night's rest more elusive.
  2. Work Stress: Women often face significant challenges trying to balance their roles at home and at work. Work stress can build up throughout the day, spilling over into anxiety at night, when there is more time to reflect on problems or plan the next day.
  3. Family Stress: Many women between the ages of 40 and 55 are in the stage of life known as "double demand," where they balance raising children with caring for aging parents. These responsibilities, although rewarding, can be a considerable source of stress and worry, which can affect the quality of sleep and trigger nighttime anxiety.
  4. Changes in Metabolism and Body Weight: Metabolism tends to slow with age, and many women experience changes in their weight and body composition during these years. This change can affect our self-esteem and body perception, which in turn can increase anxiety levels, especially in a world that often values ​​youth and a certain physical ideal.
Woman watching cell phone in the dark

Impact of Night Anxiety

Getting lost in a labyrinth of worries every night not only affects the quantity of sleep, but also its quality. This can lead to a state of chronic fatigue, decreased ability to concentrate, and, in some cases, long-term health problems. Additionally, emotional stress can put a strain on personal relationships and job performance.

Strategies to Manage Nighttime Anxiety

Self-care is always important and is becoming a lost art amid the day-to-day demands imposed by both our culture and our performance expectations. We must intentionally create spaces for relaxation, fun, spiritual reconnection, and meditation.

Here we share some very effective strategies to deal with nighttime anxiety:

Relaxation techniques: Meditation or deep breathing before sleeping can be a door to tranquility.

Sleep hygiene: Creating an environment conducive to rest, such as a dark, cool and quiet room, is essential.

Therapy : Talking to a professional about nighttime fears can provide personalized tools to combat them.

The Role of CBD in Managing Nighttime Anxiety

Multiple research suggests that CBD could have anti-anxiety effects and is being used by thousands of people to relieve symptoms of depression.

CBD, or cannabidiol, has gained popularity for its ability to relieve anxiety by regulating cortisol, the stress hormone, which promotes a more relaxed state.

How to use CBD : Integrate our CBDZen in your nighttime routine can be as simple as taking a dropper of CBD extract sublingually and washing it down with a cup of tea before going to bed.

When exploring these strategies, it is crucial that each woman find the balance that works for her unique situation, always considering prior consultation with a health professional before starting any new treatment or if nighttime anxiety is significantly affecting your daily life.

Nighttime anxiety can be a formidable adversary, but with the right tools, it is possible to once again enjoy nights of peace and restful sleep.

Sources consulted:




1 comment

  • Maria Flores

    Quisiera tener ayuda para poder descansar tranquilamente en las noches!!

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