Zero Contact: Strategies for Overcoming a Breakup and Managing Anxiety with CBD

After a breakup, it's common to face a roller coaster of emotions as you search for ways to fill the void left by a broken relationship.
In an increasingly connected world, it can sometimes feel impossible to disconnect from situations or people that cause us pain or stress. Whether it's through social media, text messages, or calls, there's always a way to stay in touch.
However, the concept of "zero contact" emerges as a powerful tool to regain mental and emotional peace after a toxic or conflictive relationship and as an effective strategy to recover after a difficult breakup.
The 'no contact' method involves cutting off all contact with an ex after a breakup, and is often considered one of the most effective strategies for moving forward emotionally.
It may seem like an extreme measure when you're still trying to get over a breakup, but the truth is that cutting off contact with an ex is the quickest and most effective way to move on.
However, we know that anxiety can increase significantly during this period of disconnection, which requires effective management strategies. In this context, CBD has gained popularity as a potential remedy for relieving stress and anxiety.
In this article, we will explore how these three strategies—no contact, anxiety management, and CBD use—can work together to help you find a healthy emotional balance.
What is Zero Contact?
“No contact” is a strategy that involves completely cutting off communication and contact with a person, usually after a romantic breakup or toxic relationship. This technique is not just a tactic to create distance, but is used as a means to heal emotionally and rebuild self-esteem and mental well-being.
Practicing no contact can be especially challenging, as it involves resisting the temptation to text, call, or even check the social media of the person you're distancing yourself from. However, the benefits of this practice are profound. No contact allows people to reflect on their own lives and needs without the constant influence of the previous relationship. In the long term, this technique can help break patterns of emotional dependency and foster a sense of autonomy and personal strength.
It is important to remember that no contact is not a punishment for the other person, but rather a measure of protection and self-care. While it may seem difficult or even cruel, it is a key tool for those seeking to break free from relationships that cause them emotional or mental harm.

Benefits of zero contact
To truly heal, it is essential to create space for self-reflection, emotional independence, and rebuilding your sense of self. The “no contact rule” or “zero contact” can help you achieve all three, but its effectiveness depends on intentional and conscious implementation.
Clear your mind
One of the great advantages of no contact is that it is not only for the other person, it also has a positive effect on us. No contact allows us to have a space to reflect on what has happened, what we feel and what we want. By applying no contact with your ex-partner you can create a space for reflection, without interference that can affect our judgment.
A study published in the Journal of Divorce and Remarriage highlights the importance of introspection to gain new perspectives and identify areas for improvement. Genuine introspection is vital to assess the potential for progress in a relationship and to understand what has happened.
Get out of toxic or harmful dynamics
Zero contact is a way to protect ourselves from people who hurt us, manipulate us, mistreat us or make us dependent. Through zero contact it is possible to break this dynamic of abuse and mistreatment.
By moving away from them, we break the bond that ties us and free ourselves from their negative influence. In addition, it is possible that in that space that you give yourself, you can discover that you really do not need that person to be able to live as they made you believe or you you imagined it was going to be.
Prioritize your needs
Engage in activities that bring you joy and allow you to improve as a person. Whether it's pursuing a hobby, exercising, or seeking therapy, it's essential to dedicate this time to self-care. Channel your energy into positive activities that improve your overall well-being.
Zero contact gives us the opportunity to focus on ourselves, our needs, our desires and our projects. You will have free time for your hobbies and what you like. Things that we often stop doing to be with another person, or even that we are asked to stop doing.
Regaining self-esteem
Another benefit of no contact is that it helps us improve our self-esteem. By moving away from a relationship that hurt us, that took away from us, that limited us or that nullified us, we can regain our confidence, our security and our self-love.
As part of the zero-contact benefits chain, by reconnecting with ourselves we can remember our worth. This will allow us to strengthen our self-esteem while healing our wounds.

How do I manage anxiety during No Contact?
Managing the anxiety of contacting an ex or wanting to know what they are doing or feeling can be extremely challenging, especially if you are going through the no contact process or trying to get over a breakup. Here are some effective strategies you can use to manage this anxiety:
- Recognize and Accept Your Feelings
It's completely normal to feel anxious, curious, or even have a strong desire to contact your ex after a breakup. Acknowledging these feelings without judgment is the first step to managing them. Understand that your emotions are valid and that it's natural to want to know more about someone who was important in your life. Accepting these feelings instead of resisting them or feeling guilty about them can reduce the intensity of the anxiety.
- Redirect your thoughts
When you feel the urge to contact your ex or find out what he or she is up to, try to redirect your thoughts to something more positive or constructive. This could be:
Physical exercise: Go for a walk, run, do yoga or any activity that helps you release energy and clear your mind.
Hobbies or creative activities: Immerse yourself in something you enjoy doing, such as painting, writing, cooking, or playing a musical instrument. These activities can help keep your mind occupied and away from intrusive thoughts about your ex.
- Practice Mindfulness Techniques
Mindfulness can be very helpful in managing anxiety. This practice involves focusing on the present moment and observing your thoughts and feelings without judging them. Here are some techniques you can try:
Mindful breathing: Focus on your breathing, inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply. Concentrate on the movement of your chest or abdomen as you breathe.
Guided Meditation: Use guided meditation apps or videos that focus on emotional healing and stress management.
- Set Digital Boundaries
It's easy to fall into the trap of checking your ex's or mutual friends' social media for updates. Here are some ways to set digital boundaries:
Block or mute your ex: This may seem extreme, but it is an effective measure to avoid the temptation of checking their profiles or messages.
Turn off notifications: Turning off notifications from your social media accounts can reduce the temptation to constantly check your phone.
Set specific times for phone use: Designate certain times of the day to check your messages or social media and limit yourself to those times.
- Take refuge in your support network
Talking to friends, family, or a therapist can provide great relief when you feel tempted to contact your ex. Sharing your feelings with someone you trust can not only help you feel heard and supported, but it can also give you an outside, objective perspective.
- Remember why you decided to implement zero contact
Keep a written list of the reasons why you decided to implement no contact. Rereading this list every time you feel tempted to contact your ex can help strengthen your resolve. Remember that no contact is not about punishing yourself or your ex, but about giving yourself the space needed to heal and rebuild your emotional life.
- Use CBD to Manage Anxiety
Cannabidiol, better known as CBD, is a natural compound found in the hemp plant. Unlike THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), CBD is non-psychoactive, meaning it does not produce the “high” associated with marijuana use. Instead, CBD has been widely researched for its potential therapeutic benefits, especially in managing anxiety and other mood disorders.
When taking CBD, make sure to do so under the guidance of a health professional and start with low doses to see how your body reacts. CBD can help calm your mind and reduce the urge to contact your ex by decreasing overall anxiety.
CBD interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which plays a crucial role in regulating various functions including mood, sleep, and pain response.
Our CBDZen , full spectrum CBD extract has many benefits in reducing anxiety and promoting overall improvement in emotional well-being.
- Be Patient With Yourself
The anxiety and desire to contact your ex may lessen over time, but it is a gradual process. Be kind and patient with yourself as you navigate these feelings. Every day that you stand firm on your no contact decision is a step toward healing and self-compassion.
Remember that overcoming the anxiety of contacting your ex takes time and effort, but every day you choose to prioritize your emotional well-being is one day closer to healing and inner peace.
Zero contact should be a temporary measure, not a permanent one, that helps us close a cycle and move on to a new stage. Zero contact, applied correctly, is for you, so that you feel good and improve your well-being, but not to cause something in the other person.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- How long should you maintain no contact? The recommended time for no contact varies by person and situation. In general, it is suggested to maintain no contact until you feel emotionally stable and able to interact with the other person without feeling distress or emotional dependence. This can take weeks, months, or even longer.
- Can CBD replace conventional anxiety medications? CBD should not be considered a direct replacement for medications prescribed by a doctor for anxiety. If you are considering changing your treatment, it is essential to speak with a healthcare professional first to avoid potential interactions or adverse effects.
- How do I know if no contact is right for me? No contact can be helpful if you're trying to get over a toxic or abusive relationship. If you feel stuck in a negative emotional cycle and need time and space to heal, this strategy might be right for you. Consider speaking with a therapist to assess whether it's the best option for your situation.
- Can we still be friends after the “no contact” period is over? The possibility of reconciliation after the no contact period depends largely on the nature of the relationship and the progress made during the separation. If both people have grown, have recovered, and are genuinely interested in maintaining a relationship, friendship can be considered.
- Are there any side effects to using CBD? Some CBD users may experience mild side effects, such as drowsiness, dry mouth, or changes in appetite. It is important to start with low doses and see how your body responds before increasing the amount.
Sources consulted:
Zero contact: What is it and how is it applied? | Selia
Wow me encantó leer sobre el contacto cero pero yo me pregunto si estoy demaciada lastimada yo trato y trato no puedo salir de esta tristeza q me embarga 😢
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