The Hug You Need: How CBD Enhances Your Moments of Connection
Have you ever stopped to think about what happens to your body when you hug someone? Beyond the warmth it offers, a hug can be the perfect antidote to a stressful day, a tool to heal broken emotions, and a way to strengthen the connection with those you love. However, in today's fast-paced life, hugs have become something brief, an act that goes unnoticed.
But what if I told you that a hug, held for 20 seconds, can change how you feel completely? From releasing the “love hormone” to strengthening your immune system, a simple gesture has a profound impact on your physical and emotional well-being. And if you combine it with the relaxing effect of CBD, the results can be even more transformative.
In this article, we'll explore how something as simple as a hug can become an ally for your health and how small changes in your routine can amplify its magic. Get ready to discover the perfect hug!
What is the perfect hug?
One, two, three seconds is all that a hug lasts, either out of embarrassment or lack of time, that is how long most people stay hugged. However, scientists have studied this gesture and have concluded that it takes at least 20 seconds of hugging to enjoy the benefits .
When we hug during this time, our bodies release a cocktail of feel-good hormones, most notably oxytocin, the famous “cuddle hormone.” This hormone relieves stress, improves mood, and comforts the heart, all in one.
But there's more. During these precious seconds, our bodies also experience a reduction in the stress hormone cortisol, which helps lower blood pressure and promotes heart health.
On the other hand, a study by a team of London psychologists tested several people who received hugs of different durations and then had to rate how they felt after each hug. According to this study, the recommended duration is between 5 and 10 seconds.
Whatever the case, touch is something "truly fundamental" for humans and living without it weakens our closest relationships , explains Dr. Robin Dunbar, professor of evolutionary psychology at the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom.
"The more intimate kind of touch - the arm around the shoulder, a pat on the arm and these kinds of things reserved for closer friends and family members - are really important," says the psychologist.
Do you need a hug?
Hugs not only make us feel good, they also have a significant impact on our body and mind. Studies, such as one led by Professor Sheldon Cohen of Carnegie Mellon University, have shown that hugs can be a form of social support that protects against stress and reduces susceptibility to disease.
What happens in your body when you hug someone?
● Releases oxytocin: The so-called “love hormone” strengthens emotional bonds, reduces anxiety and generates a feeling of calm.
● Reduces cortisol: Hugging reduces this stress hormone, helping to lower blood pressure and promote relaxation.
● Increases endorphins and serotonin: These brain chemicals improve mood and combat depression.
● Strengthens the immune system: Frequent physical contact strengthens the body's natural defenses against infections.
Additionally, as highlighted in Gary Chapman’s book “The Five Love Languages,” physical touch is one of the primary ways many people express and receive love. For those with this inclination, hugs are essential to feeling loved and accepted.
How CBD complements the benefits of hugging
CBD , known for its relaxing and anti-stress properties, can act as a natural enhancer to maximize the positive effects of hugs:
● Physical relaxation: Helps relieve muscle tension, preparing the body for a comfortable and pleasant hug.
● Stress Reduction: By reducing anxiety, CBD helps you be more present and receptive in moments of connection.
● Emotional relief: CBD can facilitate emotional openness, allowing you to express feelings with greater confidence and authenticity.
Imagine taking a few drops of CBDZen oil before a long hug. This simple act can prepare your mind and body to enjoy every second of human contact with full awareness.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Why are hugs important for health?
Hugs promote the release of oxytocin, reduce cortisol (stress hormone), strengthen the immune system and improve emotional health by increasing endorphin and serotonin levels. This simple gesture can help you feel more connected, relaxed and happy.
2. How long should a hug last to get benefits?
A hug of at least 20 seconds is ideal for releasing a significant amount of oxytocin and enjoying its physical and emotional benefits. This time is enough to reduce stress and increase emotional connection.
3. How can hugs help reduce stress?
Hugs lower cortisol levels in the body, which helps you relax and reduce stress. They also release endorphins, which improve your mood and promote a sense of overall well-being.
4. Can CBD improve the experience of a hug?
Yes, CBD is an ideal ally to maximize the benefits of a hug. It helps relax muscles, reduces anxiety and promotes a state of calm, creating the perfect environment to connect emotionally and enjoy physical contact.
This International Hug Day, treat yourself and give the gift of this simple yet powerful gesture that nourishes our health and relationships. Enhance your moments of connection with the well-being and relaxation that CBD can offer.
Discover how a dropper of CBDZen can transform your hugs into memorable experiences. Because a hug not only connects hearts, but also heals body and mind.
Sources consulted
The Vital Importance of Human Touch | Psychology Today
What is the perfect hug? The findings of the largest study on the subject
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