Depression and Anxiety: can exercising relieve symptoms?

We know that depression often manifests itself by causing sleep disturbances, lack of energy, changes in appetite, body aches, and an increased perception of pain. Getting out of bed and ignoring these symptoms can be a very difficult cycle to break.

However, physical exercise is precisely one of the best ways to manage depression and anxiety and getting moving can work miracles on mood, sleep hygiene, sociability and the creation of small goals.

“A healthy mind in a healthy body” says the phrase of the Roman poet Junius Juvenal and he was absolutely right. In this article we will learn in depth how and why practicing exercises is good for the body, mind and emotions.

Understanding Depression and Anxiety:

Depression and anxiety know no limits; They affect people of all ages and social conditions. Currently, depression is one of the three leading causes of disability in the world, but in 2030, according to the World Health Organization, it could become the first cause .

More than just temporary moods, anxiety and depression are complex disorders that can significantly interfere with daily life. It is a mood disorder, you lose the desire to do things, you are sad and there is a lack of self-esteem . Anxiety causes many physical symptoms (tachycardia, palpitations, chest pressure, tremors)” explains Elisa Gallach, clinical psychologist at Hospital La Fe in Madrid.

However, multiple studies show that exercising can be of great help as a complementary treatment in people going through episodes of anxiety and/or depression. “Exercise has great potential in the treatment of depression. There is no consensus regarding which is the most appropriate type or intensity, but it improves at all levels: increases endorphin levels, improves self-esteem, planning, helps focus, improves mood, social contact... he adds. Dr. Gallech

The chemistry behind exercise:

Exercise initiates a biological cascade of events that results in many health benefits, such as protection against heart disease and diabetes, improved sleep, and reduced blood pressure. High-intensity exercise releases feel-good chemicals called endorphins, which produces "runner's high," the happiness runners report.

The relationship between exercise and mental health is supported by solid scientific research. Regular exercise not only releases endorphins, the feel-good neurotransmitters, but also reduces stress. These biochemical changes not only relieve symptoms of depression or anxiety, but also create a solid foundation for long-term recovery.

Benefits beyond the physical:

The benefits of exercise are profound and multifaceted. From improving mood and self-esteem to increasing energy and improving concentration, regular physical activity can make a difference in the lives of those struggling with depression and anxiety.

Practicing regular exercises also has many psychological and emotional benefits:

Gain confidence. Achieving exercise goals or challenges, even small ones, can promote self-confidence.

Have more social interaction. Practicing exercises can give you the opportunity to meet other people and socialize with them. Just walking around your neighborhood can improve your mood.

Taking your mind off worries , going out, breathing, focusing on a route or some movements can keep you away from the cycle of negative thoughts typical of anxiety.

What should I practice?

According to your needs, your age, your ability and strength, you can start an exercise routine. Aerobic activities, such as running or swimming, increase endurance and improve mood.

But you can also opt for calming practices like yoga and tai chi that not only strengthen the body but also calm the mind.

Including strength exercises, such as weight lifting, can offer a sense of accomplishment and empowerment.

The important thing is to select a practice that you like, set realistic goals, with controlled expectations, and begin to progressively incorporate exercise into your daily routine.

Another recommended option is to dance. Dance can modify our emotional state and has been shown to help reduce anxiety and stress. There are dance-based therapies that start from the interaction between the body and the mind.

How to find motivation?

Starting an exercise routine may seem challenging, but setting realistic goals and finding enjoyable activities are crucial steps. Overcoming common obstacles, such as lack of time or motivation, can be accomplished by making small changes and finding support in online fitness communities or local groups.

Getting up and moving even a little will help you. "Start with five minutes a day of walking or whatever activity you enjoy. Soon, five minutes of activity will become 10, and 10 will become 15," explains Dr. Michael Craig Miller, assistant professor of psychiatry at the School of Medicine. Harvard.

How CBD can help

What is CBD? Cannabidiol (CBD) is a natural compound from the cannabis plant that does NOT produce psychoactive effects, unlike THC.

CBD has shown results in relieving anxiety and depression, reducing stress, promoting relaxation, and improving sleep quality.

Our CBDZen also helps in relief and recovery after physical practice. After consuming a CBD tincture like our CBDZen , users report anti-inflammatory effects, reductions in discomfort, and improved long-term mobility.

It is essential to remember that each body is unique and what works for one person may vary for another. If you are considering the use of CBDZen , you should try the appropriate dose of sublingual droppers, a dropper an hour before bedtime may be an appropriate way to start testing its effects.

Exercise is not just a physical activity; It is a powerful tool for mental well-being. By incorporating exercise into our daily lives, we can face depression and anxiety with determination and hope. We all deserve a full and healthy life; take that first step today.

Reference sources:

Depression and anxiety: exercising can relieve symptoms

Exercise is an all-natural treatment to fight depression

How does exercise help fight depression?

Fitness. Breathing, a weapon against stress and anxiety

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